Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Little Dare Devil

Mylie has been climbing on EVERYTHING! Anything she can get her little foot up on or pull herself up to, she is climbing! I am thinking that we are going to have to bolt everything down in the house, or move all the furniture out. The other morning, I left her in the living room for just a few seconds and when I came back in the room, she was laying on the couch drinking her milk. I am so afraid that she will attempt her latest trick with out us in the room. That is, she climbs up on the couch and then onto the arm of the couch and stands there. She then turns around and dives into the middle of the couch. I caught a few pics of her before she jumped. Don't think that I am a bad parent. Justin was standing very close to her, you just can't see him in the pics.

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