Today was the ultrasound appointment. It's weird. Even though this has all happened before and I knew that I was pregnant and could feel the baby move some, it all comes together when you see it through ultrasound. We have a health baby girl. She was measuring three days ahead of what we thought, but that is not enough to move the due date. We will have one more ultrasound next month because the baby was not being cooperative. The tech did not get a good picture of her lower spine and a profile picture. The doctor did not seemed concerned, so neither are we.
Growing up, I had always said that I would like to have two boys. Now we are going to be blessed with two girls. I could not be happier. We are so excited and trying to decide on names. Any suggestions? I don't plan on putting up a list or even really telling anyone of the names we are thinking about. We will, however, tell everyone the name when we decide. I don't want someones opinion to persuade our choice. But, I promise that when we decide we will tell. It will be before the baby gets here if we can make a choice.