Today is Mylie's second Birthday. We celebrated early with a birthday party last weekend. We had friends and family over to the house. The kids played on the new gym set that Neno and Aunt Lulu bought for Mylie's birthday. We had snacks, pizza, and wonderful cupiecakes made by the one and only Paula (Auntie). Mylie received some really nice presents for her birthday. She really enjoyed seeing everyone and playing outside. Here are some pics from the party.

Today, as long as her fever is not back, Justin and I want to take her to Chuck E. Cheese. This is one of her favorite places to go. We have only been a hand full of times, but every time we pass the mall, she talks about it and wants to go back.
I can't believe that these two years have gone by so fast. It was this morning that my water broke. It was Sunday morning about 9 am and Justin was at work. I called him home and within the hour we were at the hospital. 12 hours of labor later, Mylie was here! That night, Justin was so proud of his little girl. When we let everyone in to see her, he would hold her out so everyone could see her, but no one else held her. No one even asked. They said the look on Justin's face let them know better! He actually didn't even let me hold her again till much later! I would tell him that I haven't gotten to see her much and he would hold her over me so I could see here, but he wouldn't put her down! It was so cute. We are very proud of Mylie and the way she is turning into a sweet little toddler. Of course we have our "2" moments, but she is so smart and can communicate so well. She can speak in full sentences. She loves to sing. Among her favorites right now are Mary had a little lamb, Jesus loves me, Row row row your boat, Pat the Bible, and the Wheels on the bus! She is so adventurous. She will climb the walls if she can find a way. She can open doors, turn a flip, and dress herself. She knows what manners are and we are working on consistently asking for things with a "may I please." She reminds Justin and I to say our prayer at the dinner table. When she get really excited and want to do something, she grabs our face with both hands and looks us right in the eye with these really big eyes and tells us all about her excitement. She calls sweets "candy candy" and it is so cute the way she says it. It is hard to resist. She know all the names of her friends at church in her class and looks forward to going to see them all. We are having so much fun watching her grow everyday. Mylie, we love you beyond words. You are a pure joy. Happy Birthday sweet baby.