Well, It's been a few weeks since I have had a real post, so I will try and catch everyone up.
Halloween was a blast. We spent most of the day at West with Mom and her class. Mylie really enjoyed the character parade and assembly. Mylie dressed up as a pirate girl. She did not like the hat that came with the outfit, but that was o.k. she still looked great. I managed to not get a good picture of her in her costume. I think I might dress her back up and make some pictures so that I will have them later. Halloween night, we went out to Missy's house for a party. She did a wonderful job decorating and cooking and we all had a blast.
Mylie's favorite thing right now is to sing her ABCs. She can make it all the way to G. From there she know more but not in order until the end when you say "Now I know my" She really likes that part too! She is talking more and more each day. There isn't anything she won't try to say!
We had Mylie's 18 month check up. All was well with her. I had my OB apt. and everything was great with us.
Justin had his Sgt. interview today. He is still in the "testing" phase. I don't know if you remember, but a while back I posted that he was taking the test. Well, the test and the interview go together to make up the score. So, he said he felt well about the interview. This process is very slow, and that annoys me.
We went back up to Missy's the other day to visit. Her mom cooked the best fried chicken in the world! What made it even better was it was boneless! Also, fried pies for dessert! I was stuffed. Her brother was there with his kids. All the children played very well together. I have so many memories of playing with my cousins and a child. I hope Mylie will too. One funny thing was Mylie playing the wii. The boys were playing tennis and gave her a remote with out batteries. She would swing it and say "wii" and "Ball" and a whole bunch of other things. We all just laughed and laughed.
Christmas Village is this weekend. I can't wait. This will be the second year I have gone. I have a friend who gets me tickets to the sneak peak. I hear that's the only way to go!
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.