This is baby Kaydence. She is the second child of our good friends, Hilary and Brian Holmes. She is Micha's little sister. We met the Holmes over two years ago when both Hilary and I were pregnant with our first child. We were in a baby class with them at the hospital. From that class several couples formed a baby group that got together once a week for dinner and play. This continued until the babies were a little older than 1. We no longer get together as a group, but the Holmes have stayed good friends of ours. Hilary stays home with Micha and we have continued with play dates when we can coordinate our schedules. I am writing this tonight asking for your prayers for this little girl. Kaydence is in the NICU at Vandy. Since birth she has struggled with breathing on her own. She has come such a long way but has a lot further to go. Tomorrow she is having surgery at 10:30 am. Please, Please, say a special prayer for her, the doctors caring for her, and her parents. Also, please add her to your prayer list. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet her today and she is just precious.
A little side note, Jacob Tuley is Kaydence's neighbor at Vandy. He is another baby that needs your prayers. His aunt is Jenny Reynolds Tuley from McMinnville. We grew up in the same church. Small world.
Will certainly pray for Baby Kaydence.
I will definetely keep baby Kaydence in my prayers. You know, you think you have problems in your own life sometimes, then you see other people's struggles. God is good and I know he will lift this family up. Please let me know if we can do anything for Kaydence or her family.
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