Santa brought Mylie a pink wooden play kitchen. It is too cute! She cooks every morning and most afternoons. I am so excited that she loves this new toy. Christmas afternoon, we went to my GrannyMa's house and had a wonderful lunch followed by presents and visiting. Then we went to Neno's house (Justin's mom). There we had more food and ofcourse more presents. Mylie had so much fun opening gifts, she even helped Claire out a bit.
The next day, Neno came down and when Justin got home from work, we went shopping. We went to Opry Mills to the Bass Pro Shop of course and stopped at a few other stores as well. Then we went to eat at the Cock of the Walk. I just love their food. The atmosphere is very fun as well.
Saturday was a lazy day at home so that Mylie could have a chance to play with all of her new toys. Then on Sunday, we went to Chattanooga to visit Pap and Emmy for a few days. Salem, Paula's oldest son, went down with us. Kirby, Reagan, and Connor came down the same night too. On Monday, we went to eat at P F Chang's and then went to the mall to spend the money that was burning a hole in everyone's pocket from Christmas. After going back to Dad's house and letting the little one's nap, Mike, Alison, Arden, and Channing came down to spend the next few nights. We had 12 people in a three bedroom house! It was packed full. We had the best time. On Tuesday, Dad, Salem, Arden, Mylie and I went to the Aquarium. Kirby, Reagan, and Connor had to go back to McMinnville that morning. I was not sure how much Mylie would really like the fish and everything but she loved it. Here are a few pics that I took while we were there.
Salem is feeding the sting ray. He would only do this after I did it. I think he might have been a little frightened. I would have been too if I had not done this before.
Mylie is trying to catch the little aligator!
Free Ride, thanks Pap!
This pic did not turn out the way I thought it would. They had crawled up into one of the tanks that had a cut out in it so you could see from the inside out. Mylie thought it was amazing that she could see me through the water like that.
So, that concludes our 2008. We are ready for a wonderful new year. 2009, here we come!
We are looking at the Nikon D80? I'm still researching them. Why did you decide the D60? I need help! LOL
I love the pics! Arden really enjoyed the aquarium and Mike and I enjoyed not having to go...AGAIN! Thanks for taking her!
Love ya!
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