I love living in Murfreesboro. There are so many more options and opportunities that Murfreesboro provides. From shopping and eating to churches and activities, there are many more choices than a small town provides. The one thing I don't like about Murfreesboro is that my family is not here. They live in McMinnville. Its not that far away, but it is still a drive you have to plan for most of the time. It makes it even harder with a three month old. This weekend, Justin, Mylie and I made it in to McMinnville for the afternoon. When we go in, we have to make our rounds, and try to make it to at least three or so different houses while we are in. Saturday, we went in to eat dinner with his mother. Boy, was it good. She lives on the lake in a beautiful house that makes me feel like I'm on vacation every time we are there. Growing up we spent a lot of weekends on the lake. It feels like home away from home. On our way to his Mothers, we stopped by my Mother's house. Mylie always loves a good nap with her Nanny (Mylie's Great Grandmother)and kisses from her Poppa (Great Grandfather). Nanny can hold her and rock her and she is out like a light. I remember Nanny's lap when I was small enough to sit in it. I still think that I could fit. I don't think she would object. Grammie (Mylie's Grandmother) can always find a fun toy to entertain Mylie if she wakes up. From there we stopped by Tish's house to see Regan and Ramsey.
Kirby and Connor were there as well. Mylie and Connor are starting to notice each other and it is so cute to see them interact. Back a month or so ago, I took a picture of the two of them at my house and Saturday, I took another. I hope to continue getting a picture of the two of them each month as they grow. Connor can sit up now, so it was hard to keep him still enough to snap a picture. I'm sure it won't get any easier from now on.

The picture to the top, Mylie is two months old and Connor is four months old. The one on the right they are three and five months.

Also this weekend, Mylie and I spent some time outside. She loves to be outside. She loves to feel the wind in what little hair she as left! I decided to put her down on the grass to see what she would do. It didn't take her long to start eating it! She did like the way it felt in her hands and on her feet. She is so willing to try new things. It's funny, when we do something new, I can see her looking at me and judging my reaction before she reacts. I love this little girl more than words can say! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!