Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
We are turning in early. We will watch the ball drop in NY and then go to bed.
Mylie is finally crawling. Today was the first day for her to scoot across the floor! I am so excited! Time to baby proof everything, because I am sure it won't be long before she is pulling up on her own as well. Also, her top right tooth is on its way in. She has been having a hard time with it, so I am sure we will have a very interesting night. I am using lots of teething toys and some Tylenol. She is quite pitiful.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
We are busy running around visiting all of our family.
Take time to remember the reason for the season.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Movie Anyone?
Tonight we went to dinner with Justin's mom and step dad at T.G.I.Fridays. They opened this week here in the boro. It was really good. I had the cheesy chicken and I ate every bite of it. They have a mixed berry lemonade that was very good as well. I recommend that you check it out. We called ahead to see if there was a wait, there was so, they took our name down on the list while we were on our way. Once we got there, we only had to wait about 5 minutes compared to 25. The service was decent and food was tasty.
12 more days till Christmas. Gosh, this year is flying by. Mylie's first Christmas. I can't wait to see her react to all the excitement that surrounds Christmas. She has finally taken an interest in the Christmas tree. It took her a while before she even noticed it. I put a bear dressed like an angel at the top. When Justin holds her, she is high enough to see it. She will "talk" to the bear and get mad when it does not respond. It's quite the sight.
Is anyone else a Grey's fan? I am so upset that we have had reruns the last two weeks. I am ready for the stupid writers strike to be over. I am selfish that way. I need my Grey's!! Will this season only have 4 or so episodes? That will not sell well in a DVD. They will have a lot of making up to do when they come back.
So, Saturday Justin and I are going to eat and then to the movies. I told you all that already. My question is, what movie should we see? It has been forever since I have been to the movies. I'm really not even sure what is on yet. I need to do my research. But, have you seen a good one lately that you would recommend?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
O, What a Beautiful Day!
This weekend is our 6th year anniversary. We are going to eat and then to the movies. I think this will be the first date since Mylie was born. I asked Justin to plan the evening, so I am excited to see what we will be doing.
Hope everyone is well. Enjoy the Christmas season!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Much Better....
Not much else to report. I am looking forward to this weekend, I am hoping to get some more Christmas shopping finished on Saturday. Sunday we have a double birthday party to go to. I'm sure it will be a blast.
Today, Dad, Kirby, and Connor are coming to visit. I love watching Mylie and Connor interact. I hope they will be close cousins. All of my cousins and I are close, more like sisters. I really enjoy their friendship.
Mylie is still not crawling. She gets very frustrated and lays down and sucks her thumb. She will roll to what ever it is that she wants. Its quite funny. She can turn herself around and roll where ever she wants.
Hope everyone is having a good week!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Eventfull Thanksgiving
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Did you go shopping? I wanted to, but didn't get to because of the sick baby. What wonderful deals did you find?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Giblet Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Green Peas
Turnip Greens
Mac and Cheese
Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry Salad
Sweet tea
Apple Cider
Pumpkin Pie
and of course something chocolate!
I am sure when we start cooking we will add at least 3 other items! We are going to start cooking on Wednesday. Followed by a slumber party for the girls at Nanny's house!
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving day! Give thanks because we are so blessed!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Happy Birthday to Granna!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Alison!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Alison,
Happy Birthday to you!
We love you and wish you a great Birthday.
Hope to see you soon!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Fabulous Weekend!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Girls Trip
Yesterday, I went to the sneek peak Christmas Village in Nashville. It was so much fun. There were lots of great Christmas decorations and gifts galore!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Mylie playing nice
Snot, Snot and More Snot.....
Monday, November 5, 2007
Rainy Night
I am enjoying being home with Mylie so much. I was worried that I would miss work or that this whole thing would not work out, but it has. I couldn't be happier. You never truly understand what it is like being a parent until you are one. I thought I had an idea before she was born, but I didn't. My friend told me before she was born that it was like wearing your heart on the outside. It truly is. I love her so much it hurts! She is now putting herself to sleep. I can lay her down in her crib when she is tired and she will go off to sleep by herself. I miss rocking her, but I know this is the best for us both.
This picture is of Mylie at her Granna's and Dza Dza house this weekend. The weather was so nice and the leaves were starting to change. Granna has a great camera that used to take a few pictures with. We ended up with over 300! We had so much fun. They grilled out some steaks and we had a very relaxing day. Justin and Jay worked on the boat for an upcoming fishing trip. I don't think Justin has been fishing since Mylie was born. I am sure he is looking forward to getting back to his hobby.
I can't believe it's November already. I have got to get started on my Christmas shopping. It will be here before we know it! Hope everyone is having a great week.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Im in the news paper!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
6 months old
Since the last post we went camping which was fun except that I got sick and we came home early. Mylie loved being on the boat with the wind in her hair. We went to the zoo in Nashville and had a great time. She really like the monkeys. Last weekend we went to Pigeon Forge with our friends and their babies. Eight adults and 4 babies all the same age. We had so much fun. We went shopping, and go cart riding, and more shopping. We fixed meals at the cabin and really had a good time. I will try and post some pictures later today.
I am keeping another little girl during the days now, so it is like having twins! They are so much fun and love to play with each other.
This weekend is the Bell Buckle Craft Fair and I can not wait to go.
Happy 8 months old to Connor Michael!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Here is a pic of Mylie with her new kicks! Thanks Grammie for the shoes, even though she threw up all over them before we got home. ( I think Mylie had a bad bottle.) I love this little outfit from The Children's Place. Except that their sizes run so small! I was hoping this outfit would last through winter but I doubt it!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Another Meme
Accent - Southern defiantly
Chore I hate - ALL of them. I don't like to think of them as chores, it makes it easier to get them done.
Essential Electronics - Cell phone and computer, every ones answer. I hate relying on my cell phone. Also, people need to learn cell phone etiquette.
What's for supper? Tonight, Justin's mom is coming down and she usually treats us to dinner, but usually, its something out of a box.
Perfume -Spit up eau de toilette from Mylie's mouth. Romance by Ralph Lauren is my favorite. I think I still have a full bottle from Christmas two years ago. Shows how much I wear it. I never got in the habit of wearing because my Mom is allergic, so I never wore it growing up. Dove body wash is about all I put on.
Gold or silver - Big blocks of Gold. Its worth more. I don't wear jewelry
Insomnia - Not much, Mylie has been sleeping through the night for some time now. She is such a good girl.
Job Title - Office Manager, but not for long. It will be babysitter and SAHM. Wife, sister, daughter, and friend.
Most Admired Trait -I am an honest person. Sometimes that gets me in trouble. Also, I am a pretty punctual person. Not so much since the baby, but I try really hard.
Phobia - Creatures, as in insects, bugs, spiders, all things slimy with legs and things with wings that bite. Icky boy things.
Religion - Christian
Siblings - two half sister and one half brother. Who I love very much and don't get to see as often as I would like. Also, one incredible nephew!
Time I wake up - Usually about 7:30 or 8 if I dont have to go into the office, if I do have to work its 5 am.
Unusual talent/skill Im not sure I have any skillz
Vegetable - Sweet potatoes
Worst habit - used to be bitting my nails, now probably junking up my car
X-Rays - I have had plenty. Mostly on my ankles
Favorite Meal - Anything my Nanny cooks! The country vegetable is probably my favorite.
help a gril out and you just might win something.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
First meal
I was worried Mylie would not know what to think about eating off of a spoon. She was a pro! She grabbed my hand and pulled it straight to her mouth. She likes to eat her cereal. She will only eat about 10 bites, then she is ready to play with her highchair and the cereal in her mouth!

This is her with the mess she made. We took her straight to the bath.
I could not get the video to load. If anyone can help, please let me know how to do this.
Mylie's first movie!

Thanks to Mom, we got our new computer and thanks to Jordan, we have it set up! I love it and it makes it so much easier to work from home. Thanks to Gail for the wireless router, so I can sit downstairs, or anywhere, and get so many things done. We also got photoshop. I cant wait until I have time to learn this program. I messed with it a little so far and the picture at the top is one of my favorites! If anyone has a book on photoshop, I would love to borrow it!
Saturday, we are going to a friends house to watch the UT football game! I cant believe it is that time of year again. GO VOLS! Most of mine and Justin's family are vols fans. Justin and I even spent a year in Knoxville at school. One of our favorite things about that town and school are the football weekends.
Mylie has started cereal. I have feed it to her with a spoon. We got video of the first bites and I hope to have them posted soon! It is too funny. She is growing everyday. I think she has hair envy, she keeps pulling mine out. We are sitting here together typing this post. She wants to be doing whatever I or Justin are doing all the time. We finally have a nap routine as well and sleeping though the night still. She is the bestest baby in the whole wide world. Well, Connor runs a close second.
Justin finally has the weekends off from work, so hopefully we will be able to go see the family more often. We miss you guys!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Too Funny
Tomorrow is Justin's Birthday! He has to work in the morning, and then the family is going out to celebrate! He will be two years shy of the big three-oh!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Blog Tag
8 Things You Might Not Know About Me and Mylie.
1. I can not stand someone who lies. I can't take the drama. It drives me crazy.
2. I am pretty good at teaching myself. I do not like to be shown how to do something. I would rather try and figure it out by myself. I have taught myself Quickbooks and other computer programs.
3. Most of my friends are older than me. I don't know why this is, but it's just the way things work out. I guess it's because I can not stand catty girls. And again with the drama. Most of the friends are old enough to be my mother.
4. My car is a mess. Except for the outside. Dad washed it this weekend for me! Thanks Dad! I have trouble keeping the inside clean. In my car at any given time there is usually water bottles, burp clothes, blankets, a stroller, wrapers, dishes, plastic cups, receipts, bills, you name it it's probably there. If they only played "Let's Make A Deal" with items in your car I would be a big winner!
5. Mylie is starting to really laugh. Her daddy makes her laugh by fake yawning and snoring. It is sooooo cute!
6. Mylie got her shots today. She was very good and only cried a few minutes. She weighed 15.8 lbs and was 24 inches long. Doc said she was very healthy.
7. I hate insects of all kinds. They make me want to scream like a little girl. I hate ants, crickets, grass hoppers, spiders, and really anything that jumps at you without warning.
8. Peels. I love it when Justin is sunburned and his skin peels. I like to pull it off. Even when I was little, I would pull the "peels" off of Dad. I could pick at them forever. Gross, I know.
I want to tag Tam and Natalie next.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
It's Official
Oh and Happy Back to School to all my teacher friends! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! We are going to Pap and Emmy's house for some swimming!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
How hot is it?
We are back at home now, and the air is much cooler! Cant wait to get that electric bill!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A Night In Chattanooga

I just had to take a picture of Mylie and her Nanny. They were wearing the same color and just looked too cute!
Today we went to Jake and Janet's for a birthday party. Happy Birthday Kelly! It was to hot to swim for Mylie so, we were inside most of the day. Now, she and her daddy are crashed out. I guess the sun really drained the both of them! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Two nights in a row!!
Also, I have quit one of my bad habits! I have been without it for 36 hours and counting. I am struggling today and chewing the inside of my lips! So, please leave a comment and say something encouraging.
We are off to visit Poppa D for the next few days! Have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Mylie and the Gang
Last night we went to dinner at a friends house. It was the group with the babies that get together once a week. We had so much fun taking pictures and talking. It is so nice to have friends that are going through what you are going through and really understand your situation. Here are a few pictures from last night. Its funny how you can start to see their little personalities show through.¤t=57e9ff3f.pbw
You can click here if the stupid slide show isn't working. I thought this was supposed to be easy.
Sunday, July 29, 2007

The picture to the top, Mylie is two months old and Connor is four months old. The one on the right they are three and five months.

Friday, July 27, 2007
Swimming on Saturday

Last Saturday, Mylie, Justin and I went swimming at a friends house. We had so much fun. Mylie has loved the water since she was born. She loves to get a bath or go swimming. She doesnt even care if the water is a little cold. She splashes and kicks around and loves the way the water feels. I can put water on her head and she just smiles. When we are in the water she will constantly scoot herself down to get lower in the water. I didnt know babies loved the water so much! Here is a picture of her and her daddy. The sun was bright so it was hard to get her to look at the camera!
Tonight, Kirby, Wes, and Connor are coming by for a visit. I made potato soup and grilled cheese for dinner, I hope they like it! I hope to get a pic of Mylie and Connor tonight. I want to do a comparison from the last one I got of them over a month ago. I will try and post that later.
We love you, and wish you a fun filled day. Hugs and Kisses!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Its been a few days...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Make New Friends...
**Mylie did such a good job at her pictures yesterday! I cant wait to share them! Her daddy was there with us and boy did he make her smile!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
3 months

Mylie is three months old today. Gosh, time flies. I wonder how often I will say that in the next 20 years. My baby girls is growing up already. Her favorite thing is to sit in her new high chair and watch Justin and I do what ever we are doing. Its funny, sometimes I can see the little wheels in her head turning. She is learning every second. She has found the TV and loves the colors and flashing of the screen. She also loves her daddy. Tonight when he came home from work, we were down stairs and Mylie was asleep on my chest. He sat down and I whispered something to him. When he spoke back, Mylie's head popped up and her eyes were wide open. She loves to talk to daddy when he comes home from work. She will look so intensely at him. You can already see the love in her eyes. There is something so sweet about a father and his daughter.
In this picture, Mylie is wearing her new dress that I found at Janie and Jack. I became a shopaholic when I became a mother. It is a small obsesion I have. I love to dress Mylie up everyday. They have such cute clothes for baby girls and I am a sucker everytime. Her closet is full, but I cant stop. Oh well, If Kirby has a girl next, she will be the best dressed, just like Mylie!
Madison's 1st Birthday Party

My friend Monica's baby girl is one today. Mylie had such a good time at the party. Thanks Monica for inviting us! Monica bought a water slide for the kids to play on in the back yard. Mylie enjoyed watching the bigger kids have fun. Madison, the birthday girl, didn't want to mess up her cake. Her Nana helped her figure out how to eat the cake.

Madison then wiped her nose and got cake up there. She was not happy.

There was a pinata too! The big kids had such fun swinging and hitting the pinata. We had a really good time.

This is Amber and Mylie on the couch playing. Mylie will talk to anyone who will listen. I don't know where she gets it.
Tomorrow we are going to have Mylie's pictures made at McAfee's in Morrison. I can't wait to see what Uncle Rod has instore for us! He does wonderful photography. Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Thumb Sucker

This is Mylie. She is now a "Thumb Sucker." At six weeks old she threw out her own "Bink" and decided she would rather have her thumb. It's funny because people react two different ways. Some say, "You will have such a hard time breaking her from that," or they say, "That's soooo cute!" I usually ask the ones who say the latter, if they sucked their thumb, if the response is yes, then I ask how long. Most say, "Until I was 15." Great, Im thinking. At least I could throw a "Bink" away. How do you remove thumbs from infants? Anyone?
On a different note, Mylie and Me went to visit her favorite cousin on Thursday. They had such fun playing in the floor. I cant wait to see how these two beautiful babies react to one another when they can actually talk and play. There is only a two month difference in Mylie and Connor. They learn so much in two months, its fun to visit Connor to see what Mylie will be doing next. Its also good for me, because Kirby can go through it first and tell me what works best! Ha!
Well, Mylie and Me are headed off to Dave Macon Days at Cannonsburg. Here's to a beautiful Saturday afternoon!